The touchable materials and abundant light in room 10 create a wonderful place to relax

The touchable materials and abundant light in room 10 create a wonderful place to relax

From its plaster walls to the original, weather worn fir floors, Room 10 is exercise in experimentation. Proprietor and designer Greg Hennes used a palate of natural materials to create a space that exudes a refined, yet rustic warmth. Located on the ground floor of The Jennings Hotel, room 10 features a kitchenette, luxurious soaking tub and sleeping space for three with one queen & one twin bed.

The kitchenette and entry bench in room 10

The kitchenette and entry bench in room 10

The twin bed nook

The twin bed nook

Your private bathroom with generous soaking tub

Your private bathroom with generous soaking tub

The kitchenette and front door in room 10

The comfy queen bed and light filtering through the privacy screen

The comfy queen bed and light filtering through the privacy screen

A birdseye view from the loft

The little library, bathroom & twin bed nook

The little library, bathroom & twin bed nook

Welcome to the Jennings, now get ready to get sweaty.

Head upstairs and achieve sauna bliss with our hand drawn guide by Mary Rothlisberger

Our upstairs communal kitchen, ready for you to make a meal and meet some friends

Our upstairs communal kitchen, ready for you to make a meal and meet some friends

relax, settle in and enjoy the afternoon light streaming in